How to make Sauce Hollandaise

The Ritz London

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Place two medium-sized egg yolks in a round bottom bowl over a pan of simmering water (ensuring that the bottom of the bowl is not touching the water - also known as a bain-marie) Add 3 tablespoons of the tarragon vinegar and whisk the mixture until smooth and achieves a ‘ribbon stage’ also known as a sabyon (where you can write your name in the aerated egg mixture using the whisk). Gently add the clarified butter slowly, whisking continuously. As you add the butter the sauce will thicken, if it becomes too thick, add a spoonful of warm water to adjust the consistency. Once all the butter is incorporated, season with salt, cayenne pepper, and the juice of half a lemon. Serve the sauce warm.

Tarragon Vinegar recipe

* 300ml white wine vinegar
* 2 bay leaf
* 3g crushed black peppercorns
* 1/2 banana shallot diced
* 10 tarragon leaves

Bring all these ingredients to a boil. Allow to cool gently and store in the fridge until needed. This will last six weeks in the fridge in an airtight container.

Clarified Butter recipe

Take 500g of unsalted butter, diced into rough cubes, and place into a pan on a gentle heat until the milk solids and fat separate, approximately 30 minutes. Once separated, pass the butter through a muslin cloth, carefully spooning from the top to ensure you do not mix the milk solids and fat which has separated.

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